, Singapore

VIAVI bags Network and Broadband Telecommunications Award

VIAVI creates a user-friendly and smart optical fiber meter that certifies and troubleshoots fiber links with ease.

VIAVI took home the Network and Broadband Telecommunications Award in the recently concluded Singapore Business Review’s Technology Excellence Awards.

Acknowledging an organisation’s ability to develop a solution that provides great assistance to service providers, techs and contractors, Singapore Business Review has decided to merit the accolade to VIAVI Optimeter initiative, an optical fiber meter that installs Passive Optical Network (PON) or Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) services right on the first visit.

Utilising intuitive instruments, systems and technologies, VIAVI empowers Service Providers and IT organizations to manage the network lifecycle for complex 5G and Fiber networks. Its Optimeter is a brand-new optical fiber meter that’s developed to address the challenges faced when installing PON/FTTH services.

Often, these challenges can be attributed to the rising demand for PON/FTTH services and the time pressure required to complete as many installations as possible each day. Service providers, techs, and contractors react to these difficulties by doing minimal to zero tests after the installation, which consequently increases the failure rate for first time installation services to reach as high as 20% to 50%.

Moreover, the demand for PON/FTTH services increases the need for new fiber techs that require immediate training to be effective installers in as little time as possible.

The end result is an increase in job hand-offs or escalations, drop fiber replacements, blind fault finding, unnecessary fiber or equipment replacements, activation delays, and more importantly — loss of revenue.

Optimeter can be the make-or-break difference between creating a profit on new customer installations or suffering a loss due to delayed customer revenue. This simple to use, intelligent optical fiber meter certifies and troubleshoots fiber links whilst reducing unnecessary handovers, repeated truck rolls, and other troubleshooting expenses to ensure that PON/FTTX last mile installation and maintenance are successful right at the first time.

It also enables installers to certify the last mile drop is good, turn-up in with on-the-go troubleshooting, identify and locate issues and determine if there is a need to fix these issues whilst on the site or handed over to the repair team. It even goes beyond the demarcation (splitter) point to identify which workgroup is accountable for a section of the network to assure that the correct repair team handles the job.

Optimeter is also the ideal fiber test tool for new or entry-level technicians in charge of fiber premises installation and repair. It doesn't require any special training to understand how it works because it provides everything a new fiber tech needs in one simple and fast solution. In just a minute, it only requires a single fiber connection and a one-touch operation to completely validate and certify a link to ensure a smooth service installation.

The Technology Excellence Awards, presented by Singapore Business Review, was held via studio award presentations and video conferencing sessions throughout the second and third week of April.

This year’s nominations were judged by a panel consisting of Daryl Pereira, Head of Cyber at KPMG; Cheang Wai Keat, Partner, Consulting at Ernst & Young Advisory Pte. Ltd.; Henry Tan, Group Chief Executive Officer and Chief Innovation Officer at Nexia TS; Sivakumar Saravan, Senior Partner at Crowe Singapore; Cecil Su, Director, Head of Cybersecurity of BDO Singapore.

If you would like to join the 2022 awards and be acclaimed for your company’s exceptional technological innovations, please email Jane Patiag at [email protected].

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