Security Pigments

VIAVI OSP Optically Variable Pigment (OVP®) and Optically Variable Magnetic Pigment (OVMP®) – enable intuitive and effective authentication of banknotes and high value documents.

Security Pigments

The extreme level of color control and consistency in OVP® quality allows for not only an initial check, but a second level of overt security that is used in a visual comparison with a known genuine note. OVMP® delivers depth and motion visual effects to further enhance security against counterfeiting.

Furthermore, the flexibility of these innovative products allows for usage in intaglio, gravure, and rotary screen inks. In addition to color-shifting pigments, VIAVI OSP also manufactures pigments that are used as a taggant material in intaglio, screen, gravure, or offset type inks. These pigments have a defined particle shape and carry an image or text of microscopic proportions.

Using proprietary processes, we manufacture optically variable pigments that are widely used as a strong overt security component to protect the currency of more than 100 nations around the world. All VIAVI OSP color shifting pigments and taggants for currency and other documents such as tax stamps are available in ink form exclusively from SICPA SA.

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