Modular Multiple Application Platform (MAP)

The heart of our industry leading optical test solution platform for labs and manufacturing. MAP System gives our customers the ability scale their test solutions to their exact needs.

MAP System (Multiple Application Platform)

From the original Multiple Application Platform (MAP) System released in 2001 to the new MAP-300 Series, the MAP system is the heart of the VIAVI test solution. With unmatched scalability, users can be assured that their test solutions will meet their exact needs, while still giving them the ability to address future requirements as they arise.

Поддержка на каждом этапе работы

Мы оказываем техническую поддержку, предоставляем услуги, программы обучения и все необходимые материалы. Наша деятельность направлена на максимальное повышение отдачи от ваших капиталовложений в систему VIAVI.

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