Drive Test

Active Rail Telecoms Test & Measurement

Drive Test

Tried and proven technology for rail and MCx private network telecoms troubleshooting and network quality assessment.

Collect & analyze rail telecoms and MCx performance data easily.

EVOIA Drive Test is the sector’s leading telecoms test and measurement solution. It is suitable for use with a wide variety of rail telecoms and other private mission critical networks, such as: GSM-R, 4G, TETRA, LTE, 4G, 5G, MCPTT & more.

The EVOIA  Drive Test range makes it easy to run tests as single events or as part of a regular schedule on test vehicles, operational trains or elsewhere, such as platforms and stations.
VIAVI Solutions can help customers select the right Drive Test system for their needs and budget, with the option to scale up their investment later, as required. The range includes:

EVOIA Drive Test – our powerful leading solution; designed to create even the most advanced scenarios. This includes remote, automated, unattended and manually operated systems, which can be installed on test vehicles, or used as portable backpacks or trolleys 

EVOIA Pocket – a mobile based solution suitable for walk tests to run live measurements

Is your railway telecoms network 4G & 5G ready?

GSM-R is a second-generation telecom system, which is forecast to reach “end of life” around 2030, when manufacturers are currently planning to withdraw their support.

If you already plan to move from GSM-R to another telecom standard, such as FRMCS (the Future Railway Mobile Communication System), please talk to us. VIAVI Solutions are already working with rail operators looking to install and operate rail telecoms networks using 4G & Mission Critical Communications (MCPTT/MCPTX). 

In addition, we can provide Subset-093 and 5G testing capabilities. We also supply solutions for test trains and wagons, as well as standalone and portable kits.

Solutions are all supplied with appropriate training, support and maintenance packages tailored to meet different client operational processes and environments.



