Optical Spectrum Analyzer Module (mOSA)

LightDirect module for MAP-series platform

Optical grating-based spectrum analyzer with lab-grade spectral performance in a module for the MAP Series

MAP Wideband Optical Spectrum Analyzer (mOSA-C1)

This single-slot MAP-300 is the most compact OSA in its class, delivering laboratory performance with the size and speed for product applications. The 20 pm resolution bandwidth coupled with a >65 dB dynamic range makes this mOSA an ideal for connector production applications.


  • Single slot MAP-300 module; the most compact in its class
  • Laboratory performance with the size and speed for production
  • Flexible analysis function licensing
  • Embedded wavelength calibration artifact


  • 20 pm resolution bandwidth
  • Full single-mode fiber range
  • >65 dB dynamic range
  • PDL <0.2 dB
  • ± 10 pm accuracy after calibration with on-board artifact


  • DWDM Coherent module test
  • Gain and Noise figure measurements
  • CWDM and DWDM component test
  • CW Source characterization


Instrument Care Support Plans

Save up the 50% of standard service prices and obtain priority service when you buy a bundled plan at the same time the instrument is purchased. Care Support Plans offer the best way to purchase extended warranty, premium technical support, self-paced training, and critical maintenance services like calibration services that include software and engineering change order update services to ensure your product is maintained with current software and a calibration certificate. These discounted plans are 2-5 years long when purchased upfront with your VIAVI instruments.

VIAVI Care-Support-Pläne

Technische UnterstützungPremiumPremiumPremiumPremiumPremium

Standardleistungen + individuelle Auswahl:
 Vor-Ort-Kalibrierung und -Schulung, Serviceingenieur-Einsätze,
kundenspezifische Entwicklung oder Software-Wartungsverträge

Priorität im Servicefall

5 Jahre Batterie- und Taschenabsicherung*




* Nur 5-Jahres-Pläne

Batterie- und Taschenabsicherung
Batterien (Akkus) und Taschen nutzen sich mit jedem Ladezyklus bzw. in der normalen täglichen Arbeit ab. Um sicherzustellen, dass dieser Verschleiß Sie nicht behindert, umfassen die Support-Pläne mit fünf Jahren Laufzeit auch den Austausch dieser Komponenten.

Im Rahmen des 5-Jahre-SilverCare- oder -MaxCare-Support-Plans übernimmt VIAVI den einmaligen Ersatz eines verbrauchten Akkus und einer abgenutzten Tasche/Schutzhülle. Dieser Austausch erfolgt nur bei Einsendung des Gerätes für die Reparatur oder Kalibrierung an VIAVI. Koffer sind von dieser Regelung ausgenommen. Zudem gilt diese Absicherung nicht für Geräte, die ohne Akku/Tasche verkauft wurden.

Die Batterie-/Taschenabsicherung ist in den SilverCare- und MaxCare-Plänen mit 5 Jahren Laufzeit enthalten.

Die Messgeräte werden mit Kabeln und Adaptern als Zubehör ausgeliefert. Um stets zuverlässige und präzise Messungen und einwandfreie Testergebnisse zu gewährleisten, übernimmt VIAVI den jährlichen Austausch eines Zubehörteils.

Wenn ein Zubehörteil als defekt oder fehlerhaft eingeschätzt wird, repariert oder ersetzt VIAVI dieses Zubehörteil nach eigenem Ermessen, ohne dass dem Kunden hierfür Kosten in Rechnung gestellt werden. Das ersetzte Zubehörteil kann neu oder gebraucht (überholt) sein. Die zugrückgesandten Zubehörteile gehen in das Eigentum von VIAVI über. Es gelten die folgenden Einschränkungen: In jedem Zeitraum von 12 Monaten kann immer nur ein Zubehörteil ersetzt werden. Der Ersatz bezieht sich nur auf Zubehörteile, die für den Betrieb des Messgerätes als unverzichtbar angesehen werden und zusammen mit dem ursprünglich gekauften Produkt ausgeliefert wurden. Der Kunde ist für die Rücksendung des fehlerhaften Zubehörteils an VIAVI verantwortlich, wenn er an dessen Funktion zweifelt oder das Gerät für eine Reparatur oder Kalibrierung eingesandt wird.

Express Leihgeräte
Jetzt können Sie Ihre Kalibrierungen und Reparaturen planen und Ausfallzeiten vermeiden. Mit dem "Express Leihgeräte" Service erhalten Sie ein ähnlich konfiguriertes Messgerät, noch bevor Sie Ihr Gerät zur Kalibrierung oder zu einer unvorhergesehenen Reparatur einsenden.

Care-Support-Pläne - MAP

Care Support Plan - MAP

ProduktEmpfohlener PlanBronzeCareSilverCareMaxCareWarum kalibrieren?
MAP (Mainframe/Module)Bronze-3

Warum dieses Produkt kalibrieren?
Welche Probleme können auftreten?

Factory standards to ensure accuracy MAP

Why calibrate this product?

It is essential in manufacturing environment to ensure your product meets the published/customer requirements. Having accurate measurements ensures highest possible yields whilst maintaining product specifications. Ensuring all that the optical test equipment is performing as designed and calibrated is requirement in achieving that goal.

Viavi will validate measurement accuracies conform to published specifications.

Maintain connectors and pigtails.

Factory standards to ensure accuracy

VIAVI is a TL9000 company and calibrates this instrument based on general requirements for the competence of calibration and testing laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2005) to ensure your instrument is certified to measure accurately. Instruments that are out of calibration will produce unreliable measurements and can create false passing or false failing test results that often cause your team repeat work. We maintain, polish and clean all fiber connectors, fix pigtail connections that are internal to the product to ensure all parts stay in good working order and upgrade software / firmware to the latest approved release to enable enhancements. VIAVI Care Plans are the most cost-effective way to plan for calibration with a low, discounted price at the time of instrument purchase.  Fixed rate calibration can also be purchased later via a separate purchase order.

  • Ensure accurate measurements that meet design expectations and optical budgets.
  • Maintain ports and connectors to keep signals working properly and to extend the life of the instrument. For example, if optical connectors or lasers are bad or interface ports are loose then after repeated connection cycles, optical measurements may be inaccurate or damage may occur.
  • When manufacturing optical network products, accurate, reliable and repeatable optical measurement performance is essential to compliance with published/committed product specifications
  • Know that optical product design, product manufacturing and customer expectations are accurate and in alignment throughout product lifecycle

Most business common implications MAP

How will my measurements be affected if the product is out of calibration?

Inaccurate measurements may prevent verification of power levels or introduce other measurement uncertainties, errors and artifacts. Out-of-calibration instruments can result in design errors, production problems, end customer escalations, increased failure rates, audit non-compliance or even ultimately loss of business. 

What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?

  • Uncalibrated tools produce unreliable measurement results that can't be certified to specifications and may violate product agreements or ISO/TL9000 standards with your customers and their network equipment vendors.

  • Design errors resulting from inaccurate measurements can result in ongoing issues throughout the product lifecycle including poor yields, inaccurate optical budgets, increased return rates  and customer expectation mismatch.

  • Production costs can be elevated by increased re-work, reduced yield and inconsistencies between measurements.

Common Business impacts include:

  • Lost revenue, customer complaints and increased costs.
  • Quality audit failures.
  • For end customers, repeat product quality issues with vendors often cause added cost, customer dissatisfaction and loss of business.


VIAVI Care Support for Existing Equipment


FleetCare plans can be customized to include any service entitlements on your fleet of existing equipment. Please fill out a Service Contracts form for a quote.

  • Any collection instruments with a single coterminous renewal date
  • Each contract is customized with any number of annual terms required by the customer
  • Onsite Calibration, Training, Field Application Engineer days can be added

View Support Plans For Existing Equipment

Repair and Calibration

Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles.  We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests. 

Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:

  • Minimize business disruption
  • Budget
  • Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
  • Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards

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