Performance Management and Security

Centralized Management of End-User Experience, Performance & Security

Performance Management and Security
VIAVI enterprise solutions allow IT teams to effectively manage networks, mitigate risk, and solve network performance problems by leveraging end-user experience insight, high-fidelity forensics, and automated workflows.

Comprehensive and Actionable Enterprise Performance & Security Management

Today's IT teams struggle to balance the need for innovation and ongoing change management, with day-to-day operational excellence to ensure business operations success. In fact, according to CIO Magazine "nearly 75% of CIOs are challenged in striking balance between innovation and operational excellence".

VIAVI Observer provide outcome-focused performance insight across on-premise, cloud, and hybrid IT infrastructures by strategically focusing on end-user experience. Whether performance issues are the result of planned changes, such as systems migrations, or unexpected events, Observer helps isolate the problem domain efficiently. 

Observer Puzzle

Now, with the release of Observer v18, packet and enriched flow data coexist in Observer Apex. By compiling Layer 2 to Layer 3 insights into a single enriched flow record, Observer can produce unique, interactive visualizations that illustrate the relationships between User, IP, MAC, and application usage in the network. A NetOps or SecOps user can simply enter a name enter in a username and immediately find all devices, interfaces, and applications associated with it. Finding out what’s connected and who’s communicating across your network has never been easier.

Learn more about the VIAVI enterprise performance management solutions for Network Performance Monitoring and Network Security.

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for your digital future

Tested by Tolly

Only VIAVI delivers 60 Gbps network monitoring with lossless packet capture.

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SOTN 2024/25

2024/25 State of the Network Study

VIAVI Observer solutions offer visibility through a variety of data sources ranging from high-speed packet capture, and packet-based metadata to enriched flow for proactive performance monitoring and security intelligence. These data sources are aggregated into user-friendly KPIs and scores allowing IT to quickly identify issues, before users are impacted, and solve problems fast. Gather insight in the data center core, remote locations, and cloud environments. Achieve operational excellence and drive IT innovation with solutions precision-engineered for:

Often the greatest challenge with network troubleshooting is knowing where to begin searching for the actual source of the performance issue. VIAVI network performance monitoring solutions proactively identify the most critical network issues with end-user experience scores, problem diagnosis, and out-of-the-box workflows leading teams to fast resolution. All analytic intelligence is backed by complete, unaltered packet and flow data, providing high-fidelity wire data for granular root-cause analysis and security investigations. Learn More.

Recent high-profile attacks have underscored the need for more robust network security strategies, specifically an effective network security forensics solution for post-event analysis and recovery. The average successful security breach can take months to detect and without capturing network traffic, network engineers and security analysts won’t always know the entry method - or the extent of the damage. The VIAVI network performance monitoring solution ensures that every packet and associated flow data is captured and available for network security forensics and post-event investigations. Breaches and compromised resources can be quickly isolated and identified through threat-assessment analysis and by replaying traffic and applying extensive analytics to the packets. Learn More.

Knowing whether users of IT are happy with service delivery is the ultimate arbiter of customer fulfillment. Until recently this was difficult for IT teams to assess end-user experience without deploying complex and costly agents on each user device. Too much time has been spent chasing red performance indicators without truly understanding if it’s impacting business. Observer solves this dilemma with multi-dimensional End-User Experience Scoring using wire data and the power of machine learning. Learn More.

The growing complexity of networks, remote users operating a mix of personal and business devices with unsecured endpoints, with an increasing reliance on cloud computing, is providing bad actors with fertile hunting grounds for cyber attacks.

The cost of a cyber threat intelligence failure can be measured in stolen data, regulatory fines, system downtime, loss of productivity, damaged reputations, customer churn and more. With cyber-attacks now a continuous and unavoidable reality, having the right threat intelligence tools to mitigate risk is critical and sound business sense. It leads to accelerated identification, containment, and remediation of cybersecurity incidents. Learn More.

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