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The VIAVI Signaling Analyzer Real Time (SART) is a high-performance solution for 2, 2.5, 3 and 4G system verification, troubleshooting, and RAN optimization. Its intelligent call trace-centric approach enables distributed call trace, performance measurements, and drill-down problem isolation for calls on UMTS, GSM, TD-SCDMA, and CDMA RANs, as well as the mobile core, IMS, PSTN and Internet.
The VIAVI Signaling Analyzer Real Time (SART) supports the evolution of SS7:
- SS7 in PSTN
- SS7 in GSM / UMTS / CDMA mobile core network
- SS7 over IP - SIGTRAN
- Signaling Analyzer SS7 shares the same powerful architecture of the rest of the Signaling analyzer products.
- Support of channelized E1/T1, ATM and IP transport
- Application layer protocols support such as MAP, INAP, BICC, TCAP
- Transport layer support such as MTP2, MTP3, MTP3b, SCCP, ISUP, SCTP, M2UA and M3UA
- Analysis of Clear Down Time, Setup Time, OPC, DPC, CIC, Calling Party Number, Called Party Number, Release Cause and Start Time, based on OPC, DPC and CIC, etc.
- Correlation of SS7 protocols in mobile core and RAN
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