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860 DSPh Remote Headend Analyzer by VIAVI Broadband Instruments provides continuous visibility of signal quality, at a price that makes general deployment practical.
- 24/7 monitoring catches problems early by automatically scanning levels and other key parameters
- Issues SNMP traps to notify you of problems
- Remote control lets you take a closer look without driving to the location
- Remote access with browser enables viewing headend or distribution hub levels with browser equipped analyzer
The answer to managing the performance of remote headends
The 860 DSPh cable analyzer continually monitors forward channel performance, generates SNMP traps if a test is out of limits and provides a live view of problems via the Internet. The 860 DSPh is simple to install, easy to use, and is very cost-effective. Unlike other digital cable analyzers, the 860 DSPh analyzer:
Automatically scans levels, other key parameters
Refreshes all carrier amplitude measurements every 30 seconds (single port).
Compares to user-set limits, issues SNMP Traps
Allows multiple trap definitions for multiple operators. Also Traps on sudden changes in parameters.
Remote control for immediate measurements
Browser-accessible for data uploading and troubleshooting.
Monitor one, four or 16 input ports
Internal switch allows monitoring of up to four ports (with Option). With 1U Adaptor, monitors up to 16 ports (with Option).
Trilithic's 860 DSPh is the ideal instrument for managing signal quality in remote headends or other facilities where access is restricted or local technical personnel are not available.
Based on the powerful, cost-effective 860 DSPi Cable Analyzer, the 860 DSPh remote headend analyzer provides continuous visibility of signal quality, at a price that makes general deployment practical
Using a network of 860 DSPhs, operated through Interrogator monitoring Application Software, the operator can monitor signal quality at many sites throughout his system from a single location and be alerted to problems quickly if they occur. Depending on options, each 860 DSPh remote headend analyzer can monitor the performance of up to sixteen independent inputs.
The DSPh remote headend analyzer is usually set to operate automatically, monitoring key forward and reverse parameters, logging and analyzing measurement data against user-programmable limits. If a parameter falls outside of limits, the 860 DSPh can dispatch a range of SNMP traps to multiple destinations, where Interrogator Monitoring Application Software alerts the operator to the problem. The 860 DSPh can also detect rapid changes in measurement results for a given channel and generate a warning trap.
The operator may take control of the Trilithic DSPh remote headend analyzer directly and use its powerful analytical tools to determine the cause of the problem.
- Channel Level
- Depth of modulation
- FM Deviation
- Hum
- C/N
Test Management
- All channel levels are given priority and measured every thirty seconds
- Min, max, avg, and current saved for all measurements
- All other tests (C/N, Depth of Modulation, FM Deviation, HUM, and MER) are measured between channel scans
- All data is compared to limit(s) for a Pass/Fail decision, with results stored for 24 hours. (10 minutes in hardware)
SNMP Traps
- Sends traps on a per-channel basis
- Escalation/de-escalation of problem prompts new traps
- Timed resend to catch alarms lost due to network conditions
- Traps contain all information regarding affected channel, location, and fault
- 860 maintains MIB of last readings for each test and current state of each channel, available for retrieval by Interrogator
Uses Trilithic Viewer II Trap Management and Viewing Software
- Provides Trap information in a list display
- Presents trap occurrences in tree views of deployed 860 DSPhs
- Compares Trap data to limits
- Saves Trap data in database
- Presents Live views of scans or measurement values
- Displays recent history scans in tabular lists
Remote Access (Web Server):
- Current alarms available for all channels
- Current channel information available for all measurements
- Remote access does not impact scanning speed or SNMP speed
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