What is the function of the Legacy mode option on MAP-200 and MAP-300?

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What is the function of the Legacy mode option on MAP-200 and MAP-300?
The original MAP platform (MAP-200 predecessor) had the concept of master and slave chassis, and only GPIB was supported for remote control. Every SCPI command sent to a cassette must include the chassis number as the first parameter. For MAP-200, the master/slave chassis concept does not exist and therefore neither does the requirement for having the chassis number parameter. However, for legacy MAP customers transitioning to MAP-200, to maintain backwards compatibility with their existing automation, the Legacy mode option was included and enabled by default from the factory. When enabled, SCPI commands sent to cassettes through the MAP-200 CMR must include the chassis number (always 1) as the first parameter the same as legacy MAP. Unfortunately, since all MAP-200 mainframes came from the factory with this option enabled, customers developing new automation specifically for MAP-200 continued to use the legacy format even though it wasn't a requirement. With the introduction of MAP-300, the Legacy mode option was retained for backwards compatibility with existing automation, but it is now disabled by default from the factory to encourage new customers to stop using it. The same as for MAP-200, SCPI commands sent to cassettes through the MAP-300 CMR must include the chassis number (always 1) as the first parameter when this option is enabled. The correct way to handle legacy mode is for the automation to include ":SYSTem:LEGAcy:MODE?" to a query its current state and use ":SYSTem:LEGAcy:MODE" set it as appropriate (0=Disabled, 1=Enabled) for automation requirements. With an Ethernet (TCP/IP) connected MAP-200 or MAP-300, we highly recommend opening a socket directly to the cassette application. You first need to open a socket connection to the CMR (MAP controller TCP port 8100) and issue the SCPI command “:SYSTem:LAYout:PORT?” to query the TCP port number of each slot/cassette (example output below). For standard Light Direct cassettes (i.e. mOPM, mVOA, mOSW, etc.) the TCP port is normally 820x where ‘x’ is the slot number. However, we still recommend running the port query. You then open a separate socket connection to the TCP port of each cassette you want to control. This is the most efficient method and simplifies the command format as it reduces the number of parameters required for each SCPI command (i.e. chassis and slot number are excluded). Examples: :syst:lay:port? CMR MAP-200 8100,1 PCT 8301,2 OSW 8202,3 OSW 8203,4 UVL 0,5 UVL 0,6 UVL 0,7 UVL 0,8 UVL 0 :syst:lay:port? CMR MAP-200 8100,1 PCT 8301,2 VOA 8202,3 EMP 0,4 EMP 0,5 LCS 8006,6 SPN 0,7 PCX 8207,8 EMP 0 :syst:lay:port? CMR MAP-300 8100,1 PCT 8301,2 EMP 0,3 TFX 8203,4 SPN 0,5 VOA 8205,6 BBS 8206,7 SRC 8207,8 OPM 8208 :syst:lay:port? CMR MAP-300 8100,1 SRC 8201,2 SRC 8202,3 OSW 8203,4 OSW 8204,5 UTL 8205,6 OPM 8206,7 OSW 8207,8 UTL 8208 When connected to the CMR and legacy mode is enabled, commands sent to cassettes must include the chassis number (always 1 for MAP-200 and MAP-300) and cassette slot number parameters after the command and before any other parameters if applicable. For example: a) Command syntax to set mVOA attenuation is “:OUTPut:ATTenuation ,,,”. If the mVOA is in slot 1 and you wanted to set attenuator device 1 to 3.6dB, then you would write the command “:OUTPut:ATTenuation 1,1,1,3.6”. b) Command syntax command to query mOPM measured power is “:FETCh:POWer? ,,”. If the mOPM is in slot 3 and you wanted to read the power of device 1, you would write the command “:FETCh:POWer? 1,3,1” When connected to the CMR and legacy mode is disabled (preferred), commands sent to cassettes must include the cassette slot number parameter after the command and before any other parameters if applicable. For example: a) Command syntax to set mVOA attenuation is “:OUTPut:ATTenuation ,,”. If the mVOA is in slot 1 and you wanted to set attenuator device 1 to 3.6dB, you would write the command “:OUTPut:ATTenuation 1,1,3.6”. b) Command syntax command to query mOPM measured power is “:FETCh:POWer? ,”. If the mOPM is in slot 3 and you wanted to read the power of device 1, you would write the command “:FETCh:POWer? 3,1” When connected direct to the cassette application (Ethernet socket), only the device parameter is required. For example: a) Command syntax to set mVOA attenuation is “:OUTPut:ATTenuation ,”. To set attenuator device 1 to 3.6dB, you would write the command “:OUTPut:ATTenuation 1,3.6”. b) Command syntax command to query mOPM measured power is “:FETCh:POWer? ”. To read the power of device 1, you would write the command “:FETCh:POWer? 1”