120 DSP (Discontinued)

Basic Signal Level Meter

The 120 DSP signal level meter is the most cost-effective and dependable tool available for all of your basic CATV installation needs. This device features a compact, rugged design, easy-to-use color user interface, and an unparalleled selection of digital and analog channel measurements.

This product has been discontinued.

This product has been discontinued

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The 120 DSP signal level meter is the most cost-effective and dependable tool available for all of your basic CATV installation needs. This device features a compact, rugged design, easy-to-use color user interface, and an unparalleled selection of digital and analog channel measurements.

Autotest Apps
The 120 DSP streamlines your testing procedures while making installation and troubleshooting more efficient with the use of Autotest apps. These apps allow users to perform a Return Spectrum and Channel Plan Scan of the channels included in the selected channel plan. The results are then compared to a specific set of measurement limits and displayed with familiar color-coded Pass/Fail results. All of this can easily be accomplished just by simply pressing a single button.

Job Management
With the included Job manager, technicians have the ability to enter job information that can be attached to any test results. Notes can also be added directly to each job so the technician can report any faults, anomalies or job codes related to the work being performed.

Level Measurements
When testing or troubleshooting within your analog, digital or mixed analog/digital transmission system, the 120 DSP makes the perfect tool for measuring the power levels of all of your analog and digital QAM carriers.

Additionally, for QAM carriers (including deep interleave) the 120 DSP provides Constellation, Equalizer Tap, MER and BER measurement displays. This allows users to quickly analyze 64 and 256 QAM downstream channels for quality verifications or to locate impairments with the meter, all right out of the box.

Channel Plan Scan

With its channel plan scan feature, the 120 DSP can also display the frequency response of the entire channel lineup. This measurement displays a color-coded bar graph of each channel or your favorite channels in the active channel plan. The channel plan scan also includes on-screen markers that can be adjusted to perform a tilt measurement.

Spectrum Measurements
The 120 DSP comes standard with the ability to display the the full return spectrum from 4 to 110 MHz. The spectrum display provides peak measurements, color-coded markers, and delta measurements. This feature also includes adjustable detector modes which are useful for capturing bursty transient noise. Optionally, the 120 DSP can also be equipped to perform forward spectrum measurements from 5 MHz to 1000 MHz.

Standard Testing Features:

  • Return Spectrum Analysis (4 to 110 MHz)
  • Level Measurement
  • C/N Measurement
  • QAM Measurement (MER/BER/Constellation/EQ)
  • Complete Channel Plan Scan with Tilt Measurement
  • Network Test Suite with Ping, Traceroute, & Throughput Measurements

Standard Interfaces:

  • RF Test Port (F-Type)
  • RJ45 Management Port (10/100 Mbps)
  • Mini-USB Type B Female Charge & Data Port

Simple Yet Powerful
Providing the widest range of functions for an installer available today (as standard options), the 120 DSP includes virtually all the testing options an installer or service technician needs to verify service quality and easily identify and fix problems in the field.


Instrument Care Support Plans

Save up the 50% of standard service prices and obtain priority service when you buy a bundled plan at the same time the instrument is purchased. Care Support Plans offer the best way to purchase extended warranty, premium technical support, self-paced training, and critical maintenance services like calibration services that include software and engineering change order update services to ensure your product is maintained with current software and a calibration certificate. These discounted plans are 2-5 years long when purchased upfront with your VIAVI instruments.

VIAVI Care 支持


标准服务 + 定制菜单:
 现场校准和培训,FAE 天数,


5 年电池和包覆盖 *



* 仅限 5 年计划;如果适用

电池和包会随着日常使用和充电周期而磨损。为了确保这些项目不会拖累您,我们的 5 年计划包括在您的 5 年计划的整个生命周期内进行更换。

在为期 5 年的 SilverCare 或 MaxCare 支持计划期间,VIAVI 将提供一次更换损坏的电池和磨损的软包/手套的服务。只有当仪器被送回 VIAVI 进行维修或校准服务时,才会更换该仪器。硬箱排除在外,覆盖不适用于不带包/电池销售的仪器。

此覆盖包括在 5 年 Silver 和 MaxCare 计划中

MaxCare 配件更换覆盖

当配件被确定为有缺陷或有故障时,VIAVI 将免费为客户修理配件或根据 VIAVI 的判断进行更换。更换的配件可能是新的,也可能是翻新的。所有退回的配件归 VIAVI 所有。适用以下限制:每 12 个月内可更换的配件最多为一个;适用的配件仅包括那些被认为对仪器运行至关重要且随原始购买产品一起发货的附件。如果存在问题,或者在校准或维修服务事件期间,客户有责任将有故障的附件寄回 VIAVI。


Care 支持计划 - DSP

180 DSP 仪表Silver-5




Factory standards to ensure accuracy


VIAVI 根据 TL9000 工厂标准进行校准,以确保您的仪器经过认证,可以准确测量,就像它出厂时一样。未校准的仪器将产生不可靠的测量结果,并可能产生错误的通过或错误的不通过测试结果,这通常会导致您的团队重复工作。我们维护、抛光和清洁所有光纤连接器,修复产品内部的尾纤连接,以确保所有端口保持良好工作状态,并将软件/固件升级到最新批准版本以实现增强功能。VIAVI Care 计划是在购买仪器时以较低的折扣价规划校准的最具成本效益的方式,但是也可以随后以单独的采购订单购买固定费率校准。

  • 确保准确的测量符合网络测试程序的校准和服务级别协议、ISO 和 TL 标准。
  • 确保所有测试传输信号正常工作,以避免出现无法达到验证服务带宽、速度和服务质量 (QoS) 所需的全线速率测试速率等问题。
  • 维护端口和连接器,以保持测试传输正常工作,并延长仪器的使用寿命。例如,如果经过多年的连接周期后,光学连接器和激光器损坏或电气/射频接口端口松动,则 OTDR、TDR 和射频测量将无法正常工作。
  • 在进行必须经过认证的施工、安装和激活工作时,所有网络组件通常必须使用经过认证和校准的仪器进行测试,以保留制造商(如光缆制造商)的保修服务。
  • 精确的射频频率和光波长对于满足测量规范至关重要。如果使用这些工具来验证网络元件、功率电平、传输速率,则不符合规范的工具将导致无法验证网络元件和信号。



What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?


  • 未经校准的工具会产生不可靠的测量结果,无法通过规范认证,并可能违反与您的客户及其网络设备供应商签订的服务级别协议或 ISO/TL9000 标准。
  • QoS 认证可能不准确,并产生重复测试需求。承包商往往得不到补偿,或者可能因结果不正确而被从合格服务供应商行列中除名。
  • 电缆供应商(例如 Corning、CommScope、Belden 等)提供的完整制造商保修(20-30 年) 只有在安装经过校准仪器认证的情况下才有效,因此网络所有者有动力遵守正确的安装认证程序,以保留和享受对昂贵的电缆和光网络元件等的保修。


  • 收入损失、客户投诉和成本增加:
  • 大多数网络运营商将跟踪和审计分包商重复完成的工作,在这些情况下经常会出现账单纠纷。当不符合 SLA 协议或质量标准时,测试结果不准确率高的承包商通常会以更低的价格被雇用,或者根本不会被雇用
  • 对于网络运营商来说,重复出现客户服务质量问题往往会导致成本增加、客户不满和业务损失。


让我们看看 OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 和各种 FTTX、DOCIS 和 xDSL 测量。达到全线速率(1G、10G、40G、100G)对测试服务性能和服务错误率至关重要。如果未校准的测试仪在测试过程中无法达到全线速率,客户可能会得到性能不佳的结果,这将很快引起投诉,或者,技术人员最终可能会寻找不存在的虚假网络问题。

360 DSP,1G DSPSilver-5




Factory standards to ensure accuracy


VIAVI 根据 TL9000 工厂标准进行校准,以确保您的仪器经过认证,可以准确测量,就像它出厂时一样。未校准的仪器将产生不可靠的测量结果,并可能产生错误的通过或错误的不通过测试结果,这通常会导致您的团队重复工作。我们维护、抛光和清洁所有光纤连接器,修复产品内部的尾纤连接,以确保所有端口保持良好工作状态,并将软件/固件升级到最新批准版本以实现增强功能。VIAVI Care 计划是在购买仪器时以较低的折扣价规划校准的最具成本效益的方式,但是也可以随后以单独的采购订单购买固定费率校准。

  • 确保准确的测量符合网络测试程序的校准和服务级别协议、ISO 和 TL 标准。
  • 确保所有测试传输信号正常工作,以避免出现无法达到验证服务带宽、速度和服务质量 (QoS) 所需的全线速率测试速率等问题。
  • 维护端口和连接器,以保持测试传输正常工作,并延长仪器的使用寿命。例如,如果经过多年的连接周期后,光学连接器和激光器损坏或电气/射频接口端口松动,则 OTDR、TDR 和射频测量将无法正常工作。
  • 在进行必须经过认证的施工、安装和激活工作时,所有网络组件通常必须使用经过认证和校准的仪器进行测试,以保留制造商(如光缆制造商)的保修服务。
  • 精确的射频频率和光波长对于满足测量规范至关重要。如果使用这些工具来验证网络元件、功率电平、传输速率,则不符合规范的工具将导致无法验证网络元件和信号。



What are the most common implications of these issues to the business?


  • 未经校准的工具会产生不可靠的测量结果,无法通过规范认证,并可能违反与您的客户及其网络设备供应商签订的服务级别协议或 ISO/TL9000 标准。
  • QoS 认证可能不准确,并产生重复测试需求。承包商往往得不到补偿,或者可能因结果不正确而被从合格服务供应商行列中除名。
  • 电缆供应商(例如 Corning、CommScope、Belden 等)提供的完整制造商保修(20-30 年) 只有在安装经过校准仪器认证的情况下才有效,因此网络所有者有动力遵守正确的安装认证程序,以保留和享受对昂贵的电缆和光网络元件等的保修。


  • 收入损失、客户投诉和成本增加:
  • 大多数网络运营商将跟踪和审计分包商重复完成的工作,在这些情况下经常会出现账单纠纷。当不符合 SLA 协议或质量标准时,测试结果不准确率高的承包商通常会以更低的价格被雇用,或者根本不会被雇用
  • 对于网络运营商来说,重复出现客户服务质量问题往往会导致成本增加、客户不满和业务损失。


让我们看看 OTN/SONET/SDH/E1/T1 和各种 FTTX、DOCIS 和 xDSL 测量。达到全线速率(1G、10G、40G、100G)对测试服务性能和服务错误率至关重要。如果未校准的测试仪在测试过程中无法达到全线速率,客户可能会得到性能不佳的结果,这将很快引起投诉,或者,技术人员最终可能会寻找不存在的虚假网络问题。

VIAVI Care Support for Existing Equipment


FleetCare plans can be customized to include any service entitlements on your fleet of existing equipment. Please fill out a Service Contracts form for a quote.

  • Any collection instruments with a single coterminous renewal date
  • Each contract is customized with any number of annual terms required by the customer
  • Onsite Calibration, Training, Field Application Engineer days can be added

View Support Plans For Existing Equipment

Repair and Calibration

Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles.  We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests. 

Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:

  • Minimize business disruption
  • Budget
  • Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
  • Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards

Explore More


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