Spectrum Monitoring and Signal Analysis
Comprehensive solutions for detailed spectral monitoring and analysis.
Complex wireless technologies and increased signal activity make it challenging to identify signals of interest. Adversaries' encryption and advanced modulation require sophisticated decryption tools. Real-time monitoring and adaptation to emerging threats are crucial. Spectrum crowding, signal hiding techniques, spectrum fragmentation, and signal processing complexity add further obstacles.
VIAVI has built upon decades of RF spectrum analysis experience and expertise to develop the industry’s most comprehensive spectrum monitoring and signal analysis solutions.

VIAVI offers solutions for the following real-world applications:

New radios requiring more bandwidth to perform reliably make it important to have good tools to manage the RF spectrum, to ensure users do not encroach on frequency domains and that the spectrum is used as efficiently as possible. Traditional spectrum analysers are no longer sufficient to monitor the crowded, government-controlled airwaves as advanced transmission and modulation techniques are employed. Purpose-built RF analysis tools like this versatile, portable OneAdvisor 800 Wireless Test Platform from VIAVI are now necessary to ensure that new commercial or military radio deployments function as planned.

Utilizing the OneAdvisor 800 modular test platform and fully automated InterferenceAdvisor software provides an easy-to-use and fast solution for comprehensive interference hunting for spectrum clearance. The software analyses RF spectrum and power data while in transit. Then, an intuitive heat map quickly guides an RF technician to the area identified as the likely interference epicenter or source and type of unwanted signals impacting your comms networks, malicious or otherwise.

The VIAVI Ranger provides a comprehensive, compact, all-in-one solution for Electromagnetic Environment (EME) characterization. Able to identify signals, perform signal analysis, interference detection and mitigation, and record signals for post-analysis and band usage statistics. Ranger systems are actively used by commercial and military communications OEMs, as well as test ranges for spectrum capture and analysis, EW support, electronic spectrum obfuscation, and RF monitoring and signal surveying. This is the perfect tool to monitor the airwaves around embassies and military installations across the globe to ensure they are kept safe from interference.