网络设备商和移动运营商在启动 5G 业务时面临的最大挑战之一是根据不断变化和逐渐成熟的 3GPP 规范开发相关产品。
TeraVM Core Test 为核心网研发和测试工程师提供一个可控且可重复的测试环境,可帮助测试和研发人员快速按照最新的3GPP规范进行验证。它还简化了 5G SA 核心网的开发生命周期并且将 5G 业务推向市场的过程。
TeraVM 能够通过灵活配置仿真数千个基站、数百万个 UE 及用户应用,从而可创建最真实的 5G SA RAN 环境来对核心网进行压力测试。通过对 3GPP 接口(例如 N1、N2、N3 和 N6)的完全支持,测试人员能够针对 5G 间和 inter-RAT 测试场景,来准确地仿真 UE 应用程序和移动性行为。
对整个核心网端到端测试或单个 SBA 网元包围测试。
TeraVM 完全虚拟化平台使其成为了对 5G SBA(基于服务化的架构)虚拟移动核心网及其组件进行验证的理想解决方案。

- 率先推出符合市场需求的 3GPP 标准测试
- 在标准 x86 硬件上的轻量级 VM 中运行
- 在所有主要云平台上均受支持
- CI/CD 自动化集成
- 支持开源自动化工具,例如 Jenkins
- 支持自动化和脚本处理工具
- 通过在 N1/N2 接口上注入错误来进行异常场景测试
- 测试物理实体或虚拟化 5G 核心网络
- 一站式测试支持
仿真 RAN 的优势
- 跨地理位置共享许可证
- 执行功能、异常场景和压力测试
- 创建真实的测试 – 用户配置文件、移动性场景设置
- 跨 RAT 或 RAT 内部的移动性
- 多种使用案例 – 核心网全包围验证、单独核心网元包围测试、安全网关测试、MEC 测试等。
- 易于访问。核心网工程师可访问始终可用的 RAN 测试资源,从而提升测试效率。
- RANtoCore – 可将 TeraVM 核心网测试与 TeraVM 核心网仿真器和 5G SA 单独节点包围测试结合使用:
- 便携 – 基于 1U 服务器的系统,可轻松运输和设置(实验室/现场)
- 轻量化 – 实时部署和配置
- 可靠的性能 – 结果始终一致
针对单独网元节点包围测试的 TeraVM 核心网测试(AMF、SMF、UPF)
VIAVI Presents Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Demonstration Hosted by Amazon Web Services
Command The 5G Network: VIAVI Introduces 3D Geolocation for 5G Networks
OPTRONTEC Enters into a Licensing Agreement with VIAVI for 3D Sensing Filters
Command The 5G Network: VIAVI Extends Capabilities of O-RAN Test Suite
- Benchmarking O-RAN Performance
- Can we conquer the challenges of open RAN rollout?
- Network Slicing – Test Now, Succeed Later
- O-RAN:支持 5G 应用的开放生态系统 (简体中文)
- Testing 5G: Tools and Techniques for Successful Implementation, Maintenance and Monetization
- The 5G Business Case Puzzle: Putting it All Together
- The Path to 5G
- 将现场测试引入 5G 实 验室系统验证生命周期 (简体中文)
- 5G SA Core Test, Running On AWS Outposts With The TeraVM
- Citymesh and VIAVI 5G Core Test
- Lighting the Path to 5G: A Deeper Dive
- Lighting the Path to 5G: The Complexities of 5G
- Lighting the Path to the Future
- Network Slicing: 5G Networks
- TeraVM - Testing without Limits
- TeraVM F1 Load Generator and O-DU Simulator
- TeraVM O-CU Tester and O-DU Simulator
- TeraVM SA 200 Gbps Throughput
- VIAVI 5G 解决方案概述
- World's First TeraVM O-RAN O-CU Test Running on AWS Outposts
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards