Analyzing radar systems from lab to active signal capture and post-processing on the battlefield for training scenarios.
Radar plays a critical part in daily military operations. However, radar testing becomes increasingly tricky as targeting systems become faster and more sophisticated. Consequently, monitoring and signal generation equipment must evolve to ensure the operational integrity of military radar systems.
VIAVI has stepped up to the challenge of offering cutting-edge, modular solutions for radar testing, recording, analysis, and simulation.

The VIAVI Ranger and T/Rx product portfolio provides versatile solutions for analyzing radar systems in research and development labs and field environments. These products provide live signal capture and analysis tools, post-capture lab analysis, or field training scenarios. When used together, Ranger and T/Rx provide a comprehensive capability to understand and control the EMS.
Versatile Testing Solution for Analyzing Radar Systems
From labs to active signal capture/post-processing on the battlefield, VIAVI offers solutions that are actively used by commercial and military communications Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and waveform designers as well as Radar/Electronic Warfare (EW) OEMs, system integrators, and test ranges for spectrum capture and analysis, EW support, electronic spectrum obfuscation, and RF monitoring and signal surveying.

The Ranger product line provides the most comprehensive test solution for live analysis or offline forensic RF post-processing in a compact all-in-one solution. Ranger’s signal analysis, stimulus/response testing, radar, and target simulation capabilities make it the ideal solution for Radar verification testing. Ranger provides massive recording memory depth with contiguous and sequential recording and playback modes, making Ranger ideal for analyzing live events and performing post-analysis of recorded signals.

The T/Rx complements the Ranger system by providing a remote device that extends the Ranger's transmit, receive, and record capabilities to harsh environments and remote locations. T/Rx and Ranger share the same waveform file format, allowing files to be transferred between platforms over the network. Recordings and synthetic waveforms created on a Ranger can be transferred to T/Rx units to play back into the EMS. Recordings from remote locations, collected with T/Rx units, can be transferred to Ranger units for analysis and processing. Multiple T/Rx units can be used to create realistic and dynamic simulated EMS environments and large-scale distributed monitoring capabilities.