- The 8800SX supports all modern land mobile radio technologies.
- The hybrid portable design is ideal for both bench and field test environments.
- The industry’s largest color touch-screen display simplifies operation and provides flexibility on the user interface.
- With an internal swappable battery that has up to 3 hours of battery life, the 8800SX is ideal for field applications.
- Power accuracy in the 8800SX rivals test equipment costing much more.
- Advanced automated test and alignment with support for the most radios in the market makes the 8800SX the most cost-effective radio test set on the market today.
- Fast VSWR and return loss plots provides field analysis of antennas, duplexers, and combiners.
- Accurate distance to fault measurements is useful for locating problems in cables used in vehicles and at remote sites.
- Multi-Language support includes Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, German, French, etc.
- Complete Analog Test System: The 8800SX includes the capability to perform direct connect type testing on a radio. All radio parameters including power, frequency error, modulation accuracy, receiver sensitivity, and audio performance are easily accessed and tested.
Standards and technologies supported
- AM
- FM
- P25
- P25 Phase 2
- dPMR
- Positive Train Control
Key Technical Specifications
- Generator: -5 dBm to -125 dBm with ±1.5 dB (typical) accuracy
- Analyzer: -140 dBm to 500 watts power measurement range, accuracy to ±4%
- Weight: 17 lbs.
- Display size: 30.5 cm (12 inches)
- Rugged: 30 G Shock
- Direct input power: 50 W Continuous, 125 W Cyclical
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Manuais e guias do usuário
- 8800 Digital Radio Test Set Getting Started Manual - All Languages
- 8800 Digital Radio Test Set RCI Programming Manual
- 8800 Series - Presets - Save and Recall
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Arabic
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Chinese Simplified
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Chinese Traditional
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - French
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - German
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Italian
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Japanese
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Korean
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Malay
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Polish
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Portuguese
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Russian
- 8800 Series Operation Manual - Spanish
- 8800 Series P25 Phase 2 Operation - Option 05
- 8800SX DMR Repeater Test Option 06
- 8800SX Site Testing
- 8800SX TETRA Base Station Operation
- Basic Transceiver Tests with the 8800SX
- BK KNG Series Auto-Test and Alignment User Guide for the 8800SX Digital Radio Test Set
- Codan MG-00G-1-0-0 Appendix G: IFR 8800 Test Procedures
- Determining RF Cable Loss on the 8800 Series
- Freq Flex Calibration on the 8800 Series
- Introduction to the 8800 Series Tiles and Controls
- L3Harris Technologies XL Series Auto-Test and Alignment User Guide - 8800SX Digital Radio Test Set
- Motorola Solutions APX Series Auto-Test and Alignment User Guide - 8800SX Digital Radio Test Set
- Motorola Solutions MOTOTRBO Series Auto-Test and Alignment User Guide - 8800SX Digital Radio Test Set
- Remote Operation on the 8800 Series Using TightVNC
- Sistema digital de teste de rádio SÉRIE 8800 (pt)
- The 8800 Series Frequency List Introduction
- VIAVI Instrument Programming Tool (VIP Tool) User Guide
Versões de software e firmware
Artigos técnicos e livros
Downloads e atualizações de software
- Basic Tests and Waveform Analysis (DMR, P25, NXDN)
- Basic Tests and Waveform Analysis (TETRA and DMR)
- Basics of Digital Radio Testing - The Importance of Measurement Technique
- Best Practices for Testing Analog Radios
- Controlling Your Radio Test Set Remotely
- Fundamentals of Auto-Test
- Indoor Signal Coverage Mapping with the NEON Signal Mapper Application
- Internal and External Power Measurements with Bird 5017D Power Sensor
- Save Time, Money, and Lives with Communications Test
- Special Features of the 8800SX
- Testing FM Radios and FSK Modems
- TETRA Testing Requirements and Best Practices
- Tracking Generator Function (DTF/VSWR Filters Duplexers and Cables)
- Radio Test Webinar Series
Care Support Plans
Product Group | Recommend Plan | Bronze | Silver | Maxcare | Why Calibrate? |
8800SX | 8800-5 | Why calibrate this product? What are the common issues? |
Repair and Calibration
Our products live in rugged environments for over 10 years with 1000s of test connect/disconnect cycles. We will be there to support you to ensure components that require maintenance like connectors, batteries, and software updates to ensure you are ready to test accurately for years to come. We apply factory procedures that use fast, automated calibration and functional verification, maintenance using OEM parts and the application of all engineering change orders and software updates. Services are available through contract Care plans, FleetCare or per incident as requests.
Top 4 Reasons to Choose VIAVI for Your Repair and Calibration Needs:
- Minimize business disruption
- Budget
- Measurement Accuracy and Product Reliability
- Measurement Compliance, TL9000 certification and OEM Standards
Assistência em cada passo
Oferecemos assistência, serviços, treinamento completo e os recursos de que você precisar. Isso tudo faz parte do que fazemos para maximizar o valor de seu investimento VIAVI.
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