Solve Problems Faster and Retain Customers via Expanded HFC Visibility
February 9, 2017 — VIAVI Solutions® introduces Downstream Monitor capabilities for PathTrak PNM. This addition allows PathTrak to expand visibility beyond just the upstream to see a complete picture of HFC health. Rather than just presenting a downstream spectrum graph which is meaningless to most users, PathTrak Downstream Monitor displays actionable results including which modems are impacted by each of the automatically detected impairment types and maps them. By enabling improved efficiency in proactive plant hardening and enabling reduced repair times for demand issues, PathTrak PNM now featuring Downstream Monitor will help operators globally reduce OPEX and reduce churn. These powerful new capabilities are available free of charge to existing PNM customers with active maintenance and support contracts, and are included with all new PNM CPE license purchases.
- See impairments impacting your customers which were invisible to previous tools
- Automated impairment detection and classification opens benefits to wide user base
- Greatly reduce incorrect dispatches with highly accurate home vs plant triage results
- Detect and address problems before your customers are impacted, reduce churn
- Achieve greater value from your proactive maintenance budget by focusing on nodes with greatest immediate need

Intuitive UI Identifies Problems and Points Users To Source
For more information on PathTrak PNM including Downstream Monitor visit the website or contact your local VIAVI representative.