Samsung S5 when trying to set the required “Extra Log Codes” the message “No fast log code found”

Knowledge Base - Solution

Customer installed 1.39 release in a Samsung S5. When trying to set the required “Extra Log Codes” the message “No fast log code found”.
Issue : Customer installed 1.39 release in a Samsung S5. When trying to set the required “Extra Log Codes” the message “No fast log code found”. The issue is not present in the same model of phones with release 1.36 or 1.40.2 Resolution : 1.- The extra log codes can be set globally via “Settings – Record” or within the Sequencer – Additional settings – Modify extra log codes The customer was not able to modify in any of those two ways. 2.- The XML schema located in the following location was blank /sdcard/FTA/LogCodes/Fast_Logcode_schema.xml 3.- After manually adding the proper XML (attached in case files), the issue was solved