ONE LabPro

L2/L3 高速以太网的流量生成与分析

多端口、高达 1.6T 的多速率以太网网络性能测试系统,集成了丰富的物理层、FEC 和 MAC/IP功能,用于实验室和现场测试

VIAVI ONE LabPro™ 可简化和加速实验室和实时试验台环境中的高速以太网测试。它是一个多端口以太网性能验证和调试测试系统,用于研发、系统验证和生产,提供高速流量负载测试、系统延迟性能测试和交换结构性能测试。ONE LabPro 专为从事高达 1.6T 高速以太网项目的网络设备制造商、IC 设计师、高速模块供应商、ICP 和服务提供商而设计。

ONE LabPro 由 HSE-800 和 ONE-1600 测试模块、ONE Controller 和 ONE LabPro 软件套件组成。VIAVI HSE-800 模块提供 8 个 QSFP-DD800 测试,涵盖从 50GE 到 800GE 的多速率的 PAM4 和 NRZ SERDES的原生和扇出应用。ONE-1600 提供 2 x OFSP 1600G,配备 1600G 非成帧 BERT、4 x 400GE 和 2 x 800GE 成帧以太网。这些测试模块通过 ONE Controller C1 进行连接和控制,该控制器可以协调多达 16 个测试模块。通过控制器的动态许可,可将动态分配的应用程序初始化功能分配到任何连接的测试模块和端口。




  • 解决方案优化了工具管理,具有高度可扩展和灵活性
  • 通过更快的路径和更少的专业知识完成自动化测试用例
  • 在一个测试系统中实现独特的物理层和以太网多流功能
  • “随增长付费”的动态软件许可模式
  • 全包式、可预测的服务选项可降低拥有成本


  • 支持从 100G 到 1.6T 的所有速度
  • 具有数千个可跟踪流的以太网多流
  • 现代化、易于使用的 Web 用户界面
  • 基于控制器的动态软件许可
  • 真正基于 Web 的数据挖掘和报告
  • 高级 Python 测试自动化
  • 深入了解物理层,FEC 压力逻辑、MAC/IP
  • 支持直连铜缆 (DAC) 和增强的光模块管理


  • 流量生成和分析
  • 数据平面和控制平面测试
  • 质量保障
  • 研发设计和验证
  • 系统校验测试 (SVT)
  • 生产测试

  • ONE LabPro Care

    ONE LabPro™ Care is an all-inclusive service offering designed to enhance return on investment.  This easy-to understand support plan includes everything you would expect from a comprehensive plan including extended warranty, loaner program, software maintenance, an online Knowledge Base repository, and access to the expert technical support that only VIAVI can provide.  ONE LabPro Care subscribers also will have access to Customer Success Managers who can help with onboarding, resolution, and escalation if necessary.  A variety of professional services can be added as an option.

    All you need; All-in-ONE

    ONE LabPro Care

    Year – One year of ONE LabPro Care with your purchase.  Included!

    Serial Number – Your entitlement is linked to your hardware serial number.  Easy to see and track.  Convenient!

    Entitlement – Everything you need is included in one convenient entitlement. Easy!

    Price – Your entitlement does not increase in cost when you add more software options/licenses. Predictable!

    Renewal – At renewal time, we just need to know your serial number and we take care of the rest.  Simple!


    Software Maintenance
    Software Maintenance

    Always the Latest
    Use the VIAVI Software Portal for on-demand access to the latest releases including feature updates, fixes and new features that you may have purchased. 

    Extended Warranty - Loaner Program
    Extended Warranty
    Loaner Program

    Peace of Mind
    ONE Lab Pro is an investment.  In the event there is an issue, know that VIAVI has you covered.  ONE LabPro Care provides quick and easy RMA for expedited repair (less than 10 days) as well as access to our Loaner Program to help you to keep running.

    Technical Support
    Technical Support
    Knowledge Base
    Customer Success Manager

    A Helping Hand
    Sometimes you have a question or need help.  Through ONE LabPro Care you get access to our online 24x7  repository of helpful videos and “how to” instruction, as well as live support from our expert Technical Assistance Team.  Get up and running faster, learn about your product, and get more done.



