NITRO Mobility
The heart of the VIAVI Location Intelligence solution is the NITRO Mobile platform, which connects to the Network OSS to collect customer generated trace data. Using patented methods the billions of events per day are geolocated, analyzed and loaded into the intelligence store.
Приложения к руководствам
Практические кейсы
White Papers и книги
- Benchmarking O-RAN Performance
- Harnessing Subscriber-Centric Optimization for the Next Generation of Self-Organizing Networks
- Mobile Networks: Automation for Optimized Performance
- O-RAN: An Open Ecosystem to Power 5G Applications
- Smartphone Performance Analysis in the Indian Mobile Market
- Spectrum Refarming: Benefits, challenges, and solutions
- Testing 5G: Tools and Techniques for Successful Implementation, Maintenance and Monetization
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