RCATS Services Validations Packages (Discontinued)

Allow mobile operators to actively monitor and improve the quality of services delivered to their end customers.

An essential part of RCATS solution is the Service Validation Package (SVP) components; the modular design of each RCATS SVP makes it simple for wireless service providers to assemble the exact monitoring solution they need to monitor a specific subscriber service. SVPs can be seamlessly added to meet a mobile operators needs. SVPs are part of the patented RCATS solution, which enables automated testing, centralized management and aggregated reporting for large numbers of deployed probes. The solution allows wireless service providers to access real-time, network-wide performance and availability information, enabling them to use this information to increase service quality, increase revenue and reduce costs.


  • Increases customer satisfaction by reducing the time required to detect customer-impacting problems.
  • Reduces operating cost by automating monitoring, testing and reporting.
  • Increases operator visibility of service quality by providing network-wide, real-time reporting of measurements and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Key Features

  • Turnkey solution for monitoring a specific subscriber services.
  • SVPs contain all of the software and incremental hardware required within the QoSExecutive, QoSManager and RTPs to monitor each service.
  • Modular design enables wireless operators to select and combine individual SVPs as needed to monitor a given network.

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