Avionics Test Studio Software Defined PXI Instruments (Discontinued)


Avionics Test Studio® is a highly capable PXI software suite designed for avionics test engineers.

Avionics Test Studio® is a package of software-defined instruments that run on the VIAVI 3000 Series RF PXI cards, providing both avionics signal generation and signal analysis functionality. The generator supplies all of the standard avionics signals offered by various other VIAVI avionics signal sources including the (Marconi) 2030 (with Option 6), the (IFR) NAV-750C, and the (JcAIR) NAV-2000R. Driver emulation is provided for the NAV-2000R and Collins 479S-6A GPIB command sets used in many military ATE systems. Several new protocol capabilities are also included, such as Emergency Locator Transponder, and D8PSK modulation, that are not offered or as conveniently available on other VIAVI instruments. Other protocols are being added based on market needs. In addition to a convenient graphical user interface, Avionics Test Studio® software includes DLL versions that can be used in any standard ATE system.

Among the advanced features of Avionics Test Studio® is the ability to control up to three simultaneous PXI signal generators, useful for testing Glideslope, Localizer and Marker Beacon waveforms. Both the generator and analyzer tools support testing of digital avionics waveforms based on D8PSK modulation, used in VHF Datalink and VHF Data Broadcast (VDB) applications. Avionics Test Studio® is also the principal application software used in the ATB-7300 Avionics Test Bench.



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