3500/3500A (Discontinued)
This product has been discontinued
Please consider this product instead:
3550R Touch-Screen Radio Test SystemThe 3500A Radio Test Set was developed to be able to quickly test and verify the operation of complete radio systems. A complete verification of a radio system includes testing of the transmitter and receiver of the radio as well as the duplexers, cables and antennas. The 3500A includes all of these test capabilities in a rugged and light weight package that can operate on a battery for up to 7 hours. This application note will help you to understand how to best utilize all of its capabilities so that you can get the most out of your 3500A.
Программное обеспечение
Приложения к руководствам
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Мы оказываем техническую поддержку, предоставляем услуги, программы обучения и все необходимые материалы. Наша деятельность направлена на максимальное повышение отдачи от ваших капиталовложений в систему VIAVI.
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