What is the format of the SONET/SDH 16-byte and 64-byte section (J0) and path (J1) trace identifiers on ONT?

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What is the format of the SONET/SDH 16-byte and 64-byte section (J0) and path (J1) trace identifiers on ONT?
For SONET and SDH, the format of the 16-byte and 64-byte section (J0) and path (J1) trace identifiers are as follows: For the 16-byte trace message, the first byte is a header consisting of a frame start marker (i.e., a ‘1’) in bit 1 and the results of a Cyclic Redundancy Check-7 (CRC-7) calculation over the previous frame in bits 2 to 8. The remaining 15 bytes can be user specified. For the 64-byte trace message, the first 62 bytes can be user specified. The last two bytes are always and characters (i.e., ‘0D’and ‘0A’) for a total of 64. For both formats, if less than the maximum number of characters/bytes is entered, the remainder will be filled with blanks for SDH or #00 for SONET.