MTS/TBERD-5800 100G and 5882 Internal GNSS

Knowledge Base - FAQ

What is needed to use the internal GPS on board the MTS/TBERD 5800-100G and which applications are applicable?
The internal GNSS is only on the 100G or 5882 models of the 5800. It requires a minimum software revision of 26.0 and that the C5GNSS option be enabled on the unit. This is a no charge option available to all 5800-100G users. The internal GNSS can be used for 1 PPS and ToD (Time of Day) applications such as One Way Delay or SYNCE & PTP applications. For those applications requiring a holdover mode or an actual clock, such as wander, the Timing Expansion Module (TEM) would used. When a TEM is installed on a GNSS enabled 5800, it will override the internal GNSS.