What ONX CATV MAC Address do I provision to run DOCSIS service tests?

Knowledge Base - FAQ

Which CM MAC Address do I provision so that my ONX CATV unit is able to perform a DOCSIS Throughput, Ping, Packet Quality test? 
Most people use CM MAC 1 to provision their ONX assets in their system. However, you can use all 5 CM MAC addresses: CM MAC 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. However, you need to make sure you are selecting the correct CM MAC when performing your DOCSIS test.    In your physical ONX CATV unit: you can find the CM MAC 1,2,3,4,5 under System -> System Settings -> Hardware and Software Revisions.   In StrataSync (if your meter has been synced to your account): select your asset S/N in "Asset List", and selecting "Actions" -> "View/Edit Asset Details" -> scroll down to the "MAC Addresses" section -> you can view your CM Mac 1 through 5 there.