HST3000 Copper Menu Missing copper functions

Knowledge Base - FAQ

Why does my Viavi HST3000 only shows two things (TDR & WB TONES) and not the full copper testing menu (DVOM, OPENS, Balance, etc.)?
The full copper menu containing things like DVOM, Opens, Balance, Load coil, etc. will only show when the HST3000 mainframe was ordered with copper testing. Those functions are performed by a copper measurement board inside the HST. The TDR and WBTones can show up when a WB2 module is installed on the unit. The WB2 modules have a few copper functions that they can perform on their own. To tell if your HST has a copper board installed, go to SYSTEM>TOOLS>OPTIONS/REVS. Press the REVISIONS soft key at the bottom of the screen to display the installed boards. If the unit was ordered with copper testing, there will be an entry there that says Copper Measurements.