Business Services

Reduce Operation Costs

Business Services
As network traffic volumes and complexity expand, wireline carriers can no longer justify service-assurance tools that come with costs that scale directly with growth.

Evolve at the Speed of Business

Next-generation networks demand solutions that cover multiple technologies, configurations, and services to minimize the total number of tools and maximize investment--while improving mean-time-to-resolution.

Keep up with constant change by implementing solutions that evolve with the business, testing for high-quality user experience, in addition to simple connectivity. Have confidence that even 100G connections in core metro networks operate at the highest possible levels 24/7.

Cut Expenses with a Flexible Toolset

VIAVI Ethernet-assurance tools feature a broad set of management end-points (network coverage) and functionality, covering service activation, performance monitoring, and fault management in a single tool. Monitor performance based on live traffic, in order to improve engineering productivity for fault detection and resolution.

You gain fiber visibility across all types of network configurations and applications using VIAVI’s business services solutions. The instruments-based workforce empowerment platform provides a basis for continual improvement of practices and processes. VIAVI field test tools are multi-technology-enabled to allow workflow optimization through cloud-enabled process management. Need your hands free? Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, plus mobile device integration apps deliver seamless cloud connectivit,y making it easy and cost-effective to enable your technicians to address the latest technologies and processes, without buying new tools.


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