VIAVI DAA Test-Ready Certification Program
Are You Ready To Maintain Your Remote DAA Plant? We Are!
Distributed access architectures (DAA) like Remote PHY and Remote MACPHY are coming fast, and operators globally are keenly aware that their implementation can be disruptive to HFC maintenance practices if not properly planned. VIAVI anticipated this challenge, and in partnership with leading DAA vendors, has developed a standards-based upstream ingress remediation and return sweep solution enabling reuse of existing ONX field meters, XPERTrak software, and operational processes. Signal leakage tagging capabilities are also covered under this program enabling RPD/RMD’s to replace hub-based signal taggers. Live QAMTrak Analyzer operation, previously exclusive to VIAVI RPM3000/HCU200 modules, is also now supported by select DAA vendors.
VIAVI frequently receives inquiries from operators asking which DAA vendors currently support these solutions or have plans to support, and to simplify these responses the VIAVI DAA Test-Ready Certification Program was established.
Participating DAA vendors are certified at one of two levels:

Gold Certification
- DAA partner has demonstrated interoperability with VIAVI instruments and systems to perform end-to-end return sweep, upstream spectrum analysis, and signal leakage tagging.
- Gold-Certified Vendors: Cisco, Harmonic, HUBER+SUHNER, Teleste, Vecima, Nokia, Commscope, Delta Electronics, Casa Systems
Silver Certification
- Vendor has engaged with VIAVI and has roadmap in place to support interoperable sweep/ingress solution, and signal leakage tagging.

Demonstrated QAMTrak analyzer support enabling analysis of live customer packets including equalized/unequalized MER, constellation, impulse noise detection, and other key metrics
VIAVI will continue to update vendor status as they progress, all questions regarding anticipated dates for specific vendors to support VIAVI DAA test capabilities should be directed to the respective DAA vendors.