Accelerate the Commercialization of Open RAN Radio Units (O-RU) with VALOR and NTIA
VIAVI is thrilled to collaborate with you to speed up the development of open radio units and to join you as a testing partner in applying for NTIA NOFO 2 funding.
Together with Rohde & Schwarz, we have developed a full suite of O-RAN development and conformance test solutions. They are ideally suited to the needs of radio manufacturers planning to bid for the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund (PWSCIF) Second Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO 2), focusing on Open Radio Commercialization and Innovation.
Based on specifications set by TIP, 3GPP, O-RAN Alliance Working Groups, and TIFG, our solutions cover the entire product lifecycle and help you to launch products on time and within budget.
Get both VIAVI's expertise in protocol development and base station emulation, and Rohde & Schwarz's extensive RF experience to support your development and manufacturing teams.
Key Test Areas
Complete Solutions for Radio Manufacturers
VIAVI Automated Lab-as-a-Service for Open RAN (VALOR™)
This project is funded by the Public Wireless Innovation Fund. A recipient of the NTIA PWSCIF First Notice of Funding Opportunity, VALOR provides a pathway to certification in the U.S. for new entrants, startups and academia.
- Fully automated, cooperative, open and impartial Lab-as-a-Service / Test-as-a-Service based on the industry-leading NITRO® Wireless Open RAN Test Suite, which includes the TM500 and TeraVM test platforms and covers O-RU conformance, performance, security and interoperability testing
- Compliant with MNO extensive requirements to deploy equipment at scale, as required by NOFO 2
- Leverages a full set of golden O-RAN compliant O-RUs, O-DUs and O-CUs from several reputable partners and a large RF anechoic chamber
- Offers Massive MIMO and beamforming over-the-air (OTA) validation including system-level Massive MIMO performance testing
- Enhances legacy conformance test tools with Direct Performance Test capabilities such as uplink and downlink data performance and capacity testing
- Access is free for academic institutions and NTIA co-grantees, subject to availability
Test-as-a-Service (TaaS)
For short-term and time-sensitive 5G and Open RAN projects, you can use it as a complementary alternative to handle peaks in your lab demand with “in-house testing” approach. It is available to major NEMs and CSPs.
Rohde & Schwarz Signal Generation and Analysis Solutions
They fully support 3GPP TS 36.141 and TS 38.141 base station conformance testing. Now extended to support automated O-RAN WG4 conformance testing (O-RAN.WG4.CONF) when paired with a VIAVI TM500 O-RU Tester.
R&S®FSW Signal and Spectrum Analyzer and R&S®SMW200 Vector signal generator are future proven platforms that can be used to drive innovation and research in the field of 6G wireless communication.
VIAVI Open RAN Portfolio
VIAVI Practical Experience with O-RU Vendors
Let’s partner for your testing needs when bidding for the NTIA Second Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO 2).
Contact UsRohde & Schwarz Test Solutions
Related Resources
U.S. NTIA Awards Funding to VIAVI Automated Lab-as-a-Service for Open RAN
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VIAVI Automated Lab-as-a-Service For Open RAN (VALOR) Supports Open Radio Unit (O-RU) Commercialization and Innovation