SCA Services and Training
Let the VIAVI SCA Team provide you the support you need for your Software Communications Architecture (SCA) -based projects.
The VIAVI SCA support team consists of the most knowledgeable team of SCA experts in the industry, pioneers of SCA modeling and automatic code generation, real-time validation, and re-factoring.
The team has participated in the evolution of the Software Communications Architecture (SCA) standard since its initial release in the early 2000's. The team provides more than 150 person-years of combined expertise in the development, implementation, and use of the SCA for embedded systems development.
Let our SCA experts guide you through every step of your SCA development journey, from initial training into SCA development concepts and techniques, to final system integration. Whether you need SCA training, engineering consultation, technical support for your SCA-based project development, or help finding the SCA development and test solution that best suits your needs, let our knowledge and experience work for you.
SCA Training
Get started with SCA development by following our hands-on training class. Learn SCA concepts and practice developing real applications.
New to the SCA domain? Want to refresh your knowledge? Or wish to learn more about SCA? VIAVI has developed an SCA training program that can help you.
Our most common Software Communications Architecture (SCA) Training course includes four days of training and one day for consultation. The SCA training session is designed as a series of lectures on various SCA concepts intertwined with hands-on sessions.
Through this training, students have the opportunity to create a complete SCA application and run it in a self-host SCA system. An optional fifth day can be dedicated to address client specific requests.
VIAVI SCA training courses are offered on-site to individual companies, or as Open-to-All sessions for engineers from different organizations.

SCA Engineering & Consulting Services
Implementation strategies, best development practices, or help with application development, just a few of the SCA services VIAVI offers.
Need help accelerating your SCA-based development cycle? VIAVI provides a robust range of consulting services through our world-recognized expertise in the SCA-SDR domain.
Whether through remote collaboration or by deploying a Field Application Engineer to your site, VIAVI can help your organization translate business requirements into SCA compliant implementations.
Transform your non-SCA radio into an SCA-compliant radio. Our engineering team will create the SCA Devices and Services for your platform.
Waveforms implementation. We can work with your team to implement complete standard waveforms and make them SCA-compliant or help you convert your non-SCA waveforms into SCA-compliant waveforms.

SDR Laboratory
Need help implementing or updating an SDR/SDS lab? VIAVI has the solution.
You want to get started in the development of SCA-based systems and need help to build an SDR/SDS laboratory? Or you want to update your current facility with an SCA environment? Look no further, VIAVI can propose a solution.
The VIAVI SDR Lab is a ready to use, fully integrated SCA environment for developing and testing user-defined waveform applications. It has been designed to allow developers to fully exercise the various concepts put forward by the SCA, such as component-based development, hardware abstraction, and software reuse through code portability between platform environments.
Our SDR Lab is based on VIAVI Raptor system which offers a heterogeneous distributed embedded system supporting multiple processors, operating systems, and hardware elements. Demonstration waveform applications, ported to different platforms, are provided as examples of development.
The VIAVI SCA-based SDR Lab is most useful to clients who need, amongst other things, to:
- Get started quickly on a fully integrated, high-performance, heterogeneous, and SCA-compliant platform for initial development and test
- Combine development and test platform into a single unit.
- Develop expertise with SCA-based Software Defined Radios (SDR) and Cognitive Radio (CR) concepts and capabilities.
- Develop new telecommunications algorithms / waveforms for a multiplicity of hardware environments.
- Advise government authorities on SCA-based acquisition programs, including the provision of waveform application repository, and spectrum management implications of SDR technology.
- Transfer techniques and technologies developed with the laboratory to industry and end users.

Got Questions?
If you have any questions about our products and services please contact us at or email us at