XPERTrak Service Assurance and Network Maintenance System

Resolve Problems That Matter Most

There are many systems available today to turn dashboard indicators red, but only XPERTrak™ also gives you the insight and tools to help you turn them green.

Spot at-risk subscribers before they churn and address the root cause issues quickly with integrated find and fix tools including plant leakage and field meter interaction. Virtualized system simplifies transition to new HFC technologies like DOCSIS 3.1 and Remote PHY and enables continuity of critical HFC maintenance capabilities.  Maximize revenue and NPS scores by identifying and tracking needle-moving initiatives with the NITRO Business Intelligence extension.

Identify and resolve the problems that matter the most. From subscriber QoE-focused prioritization to best in class PNM and field tool support, XPERTrak enables Tech Ops teams to deliver superior network performance while mazimizing OPEX ROI

XPERTrak is the next step in industry-leading systems from VIAVI designed with an enhanced focus on at-risk subscribers. XPERTrak correlates data from deployed network elements and optional VIAVI signal leakage systems (signal leakage), field meters, and PathTrak hardware to assemble a QoE-based view of HFC plant performance. Designed with emerging technologies such as DAA/Remote PHY in mind, virtualization support is at the core of XPERTrak. Regardless of the underlying plant architecture or service provision equipment vendor in use, XPERTrak is the neutral solution to allow consistent service level measurement and superior find and fix capabilities across your entire footprint today and into the future.


  • Fix what matters most by focusing on at-risk subscribers
  • Know where to go and what to do to fix identified issues before customers churn 
  • Reduce MTTR and OPEX by optimizing every truck roll 
  • Reduce customer calls 
  • Defer nodes splits by maximizing bandwidth from existing plant 
  • Provides seamless transition to DAA with vendor/architecture-neutral approach 

Key Features

  • Comprehensive DOCSIS 3.1 support 
  • Maintenance prioritization based on churn risk 
  • Service assurance and field find and fix capabilities in a single solution 
  • Integrated PNM solution to illuminate HFC upstream, downstream, and home issues 
  • Consistent system-wide network performance assessment, vendor neutral 
  • Seamless integration of PathTrak HW, PNM, QoE, Leakage, and field meter interaction 

The XPERTrak Service Dashboard provides visibility into the worst performing nodes in an operator's system using adjustable QoE metrics. Node-level roll-ups are presented with drill-down granularity to per-subscriber QoE metrics. Trending displays are available to quickly identify chronic offenders vs. one-time occurrences, and alarm status is displayed to flag nodes where immediate action is warranted. Now service issues can be identified before subscribers call and repairs prioritized based on service impact

XPERTrak Service Assurance and Network Maintenance System

Beyond just pointing out the worst nodes, XPERTrak correlates impacted subscribers with detected plant impairments to pinpoint which specific issues to address to maximize customer QoE improvement and reduce churn. VIAVI draws on decades of experience to define appropriate impairment correlations and corresponding corrective actions. This allows sending the right person at the right time to fix the issue versus requiring extensive field diagnostics. By making QoE metrics readily available to field technicians on the tools that they commonly use they can confirm that any fixes applied truly addressed customer impact, not just improved physical layer symptoms.

XPERTrak Service Assurance and Network Maintenance System

Proactive Network Maintenance (PNM) capabilities have been proven as an efficient method for identifying and remotely locating impedance mismatches in cable networks, often before subscriber services are impacted. XPERTrak has overcome the two primary challenges that have prevented operators from gaining maximum value PNM – tool complexity and focus on issues impacting subscriber services. Many PNM tools have proven too complex for typical users to get value from, but by providing intuitive displays showing just what is needed to solve problems XPERTrak has moved PNM from being a science project for a handful of Engineers to a tool usable by the masses. By overlaying QoE impact per-modem for PNM-identified groups, XPERTrak can identify which issues need fixed now vs those which should be deferred for future repair.


Once you know where to roll a truck to, you still have find and fix the plant issues. Upstream ingress is the most common issue for technicians to address, and via PathTrak hardware support XPERTrak provides best in class live spectrum analyzers to expedite this process. Technicians can view both local and combined spectrum on their VIAVI field meters using Field View capabilities enabling single-person workflows. Mobile-friendly displays make spectrum and all other XPERTrak capabilities readily accessible out in the field where they are needed most. Virtual spectrum and QAMTrak analyzers provide continuity of critical real-time test capabilities during the DAA transition using common processes and user interfaces for legacy and DAA nodes. VIAVI leakage system integration further accelerates field find and fix activities including final localization of PNM-identified issues. PathTrak established its reputation as the go-to tool for field find and fix over 20 years ago, and XPERTrak continues to expand upon this legacy.

Distributed access architectures (DAA) such as Remote PHY are disruptive to HFC monitoring and maintenance practices. Most MSO's plan to implement more than one type of DAA and use multiple vendors, and it will be challenging to develop standard processes to monitor and maintain networks with this highly heterogeneous mix during the typical 5+ year transition period. XPERTrak provides continuity of test for upstream capabilities including live spectrum and QAM analysis, monitoring/alarming, performance history, and sweep using the same field meters and processes used for legacy nodes. Technicians using PathTrak to maintain and troubleshoot traditional nodes today can seamlessly transition to the DAA equivalents in XPERTrak with no learning curve or process changes.


XPERTrak provides live heatmap spectrum analysis from both PathTrak hardware and virtual sources, addressing the challenge that wider OFDM-A carriers create in the common task of ingress remediation. DOCSIS 3.1 provides significant enhancements to plant health visibility, and XPERTrak is the first solution available to take full advantage of these. DOCSIS 3.1 metrics are interwoven into existing XPERTrak QoE monitoring algorithms enabling most accurate identification of issues creating the greatest churn risk in an operators network. Summary views give a quick picture of network health based on OFDM profile distributions to drive proactive actions, and an optional DOCSIS 3.1 Analyzer is available for on-demand troubleshooting of per-modem issues. Only XPERTrak provides the full set of capabilities needed to effectively monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot DOCSIS 3.1 networks.

DOCSIS 3.1 Analyzer

Whether your priority is growing your overall revenue through subscriber/ARPU growth, increasing QoE/NPS, or deploying new services faster, XPERTrak and the NITRO Business Intelligence (NBI) extension can help you achieve your goals. Through aggregation of diverse data sets and advanced analytics derived from decades of HFC/Fiber domain experience, XPERTrak and NBI enable identification and tracking of true needle-moving initiatives. Dashboards and reports can be rapidly customized without requiring involvement from your IT groups, ensuring that you have maximum visibility into the KPI's that drive your business success. All of this from the network maintenance and monitoring system trusted by Tech Ops and Engineering groups around the globe.

Grow revenue, increase NPS, and deploy new services faster with XPERTrak. Paired with the NITRO Business Intelligence extension, XPERTrak can help you identify and track true needle-moving initiatives and deliver on the KPI's that drive your business success.

Whether your priority is growing your overall revenue through subscriber/ARPU growth, increasing QoE/NPS, or deploying new services faster, XPERTrak and the NITRO Business Intelligence (NBI) extension can help you achieve your goals. Through aggregation of diverse data sets and advanced analytics derived from decades of HFC/Fiber domain experience, XPERTrak and NBI enable identification and tracking of true needle-moving initiatives. Dashboards and reports can be rapidly customized without requiring involvement from your IT groups, ensuring that you have maximum visibility into the KPI's that drive your business success. All of this from the network maintenance and monitoring system trusted by Tech Ops and Engineering groups around the globe.


  • Grow revenue and offer new services faster with confidence
  • Reduce churn - Maximize customer quality of experience (QoE) and NPS
  • Identify and track initiatives with highest ROI • Increase business agility with quick-turn customizations
  • Improve CAPEX planning to avoid unnecessary infrastructure expansions

Key Features

  • Analytics engineered specifically for cable and fiber operators
  • Flexible data ingest to aggregate XPERTrak, internal MSO, and 3rd party data
  • Meaningful dashboards and reports easily customizable via VIAVI Services
  • Enterprise wide visibility with drill-down capability isolate systemic root causes
  • Combined view of critical internal KPI's and network/CPE metrics that drive them

At the micro level, managers generally have a good handle on which issues are the most urgent to work for their specific area, but each area working their local issues alone will not move the needle on regional or enterprise metrics. XPERTrak and NITRO Business Intelligence provide broader visibility into the higher-level trends and issues that can have a greater impact on the KPI's that drive your overall business. Spotting these trends and drilling down to find systemic root causes allows resource deployments to deliver the highest possible ROI.

XPERTrak Service Assurance and Network Maintenance System

Most organizations today are not lacking in data, but are starved for meaningful insight realized from this data. True value is delivered when data from your internal systems, XPERTrak, and 3rd-party sources can be combined and analyzed to identify truly needle-moving initiatives. XPERTrak and NITRO Business Intelligence are different from one-size-fits-all business intelligence platforms in that they are built specifically for HFC and PON operators by experts with decades of domain knowledge. XPERTrak leverages industry leading PathTrak hardware plus inputs from VIAVI signal leakage gear, field meters, and fiber monitoring systems to deliver unprecedented system and subscriber health visibility. NITRO Business Intelligence then uses advanced domain-specific analytics to combine this with other sources to help identify the true issues driving your KPI's and helps you identify and track initiatives to improve them.

The drive from Marketing to launch new services faster is relentless, but launching these before everything is ready can backfire. Launching before an area has adequate CPE/CCAP to support can lead to disappointing returns, and if the launch causes QoE issues the resulting churn can more than negate any revenue gains. XPERTrak provides visibility into which areas are good targets based on sustained QoE performance, and NITRO Business Intelligence can combine CPE deployment data to paint a true picture of deployment readiness. Dashboards and reports are available to track the deployment of the new services plus the subscriber QoE during and after the launch to ensure there are no negative impacts.

XPERTrak Service Assurance and Network Maintenance System

The best data aggregation and analytics capabilities are of zero value if the results cannot be viewed and acted upon. XPERTrak displays and user interfaces have been designed and continually improved based on extensive time in the field with our customers and listening to their direct feedback. API's are available to enable integration of XPERTrak data into MSO internal systems, but that often requires involvement from your scarce IT resources. NITRO Business Intelligence was architected to address this by enabling rapid customization to meet your exact business needs by working collaboratively with our domain experts – and not requiring any involvement from your IT teams. When new reports or tweaks to existing reports are needed to support new initiatives, trust VIAVI to deliver quickly and with minimal effort required on your end.

XPERTrak Service Assurance and Network Maintenance System

Broadband service provision infrastructure (CCAP ports, CPE, etc) is a major CAPEX budget item, even small reductions in this category can have a meaningful impact on overall profitability. With XPERTrak, operators can get more bandwidth from their deployed infrastructure through improved network performance. Just a 4dB increase in upstream SNR can net ~50Mbps of upstream capacity for a 31MHz OFDMA carrier – potentially eliminating or deferring the need to split a node. XPERTrak helps operations teams to identify, find, and fix the issues that are not only impacting subscribers but degrading network performance.

The XPERTrak Service Dashboard provides visibility into the worst performing nodes in an operator's system using adjustable QoE metrics. Node-level roll-ups are presented with drill-down granularity to per-subscriber QoE metrics. Trending displays are available to quickly identify chronic offenders vs. one-time occurrences, and alarm status is displayed to flag nodes where immediate action is warranted. Now service issues can be identified before subscribers call and repairs prioritized based on service impact

XPERTrak Service Assurance and Network Maintenance System

Part of The VIAVI Remote PHY Solution

This product is part of the comprehensive VIAVI Remote PHY turn-up and maintenance solution enabling seamless transitions from legacy to distributed access architectures.

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